Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Welcome to the blog for my online English 264 course: Survey of English Literature, Romantics to Moderns. I have taught the course nearly 30 times over my years at Mercer, but by far the majority of them in a traditional, face-to-face classroom setting. I taught my first online section in the summer of 2006. That experiment seemed successful enough to repeat, which I have done each subsequent summer. I look forward to once again offering the online course this summer, and I am glad you are part of it.

During this summer session, I will use the blog to convey information about the class and about the readings and assignments. I will also use it to suggest discussion questions you may wish to pursue in your own blog for this course.

That's right, you will be setting up and maintaining your own blog for this course, too! Let me reassure you that it is easy; there are instructions on our course's web site and Blackboard page. On your blog you will analyze and discuss the readings. I also want you to read and comment on the blogs of your classmates. In this way I hope to emulate the classroom discussion that is a large part of the face-to-face English 264 course.